Why Is a Pre Purchase Inspection so Important?
Whether you are looking to buy your first house, a home for your growing family or an investment property, a pre purchase inspection is essential. Having the experts come in to take a close look at the property will ensure there are no hidden surprises down the track. A property purchase is likely to be one of the largest financial investments you’ll ever make, so it is well worth ensuring it’s a smart one!
A property for sale can be made to look the goods
When a homeowner is preparing their house for sale, they will do all they can to present it in the most favorable light. Before the auction, they will add a lick of paint here and there, touch up holes, and do their best to disguise any obvious issues. After all, it’s not in their best interests to disclose to you the things that are not quite right.
When the house is adorned with vases of gorgeous flowers and the smell of freshly brewed coffee fills the air, it will look, feel and smell incredible and you’ll be swept up in the excitement of signing the contract. Action Property Inspections (API) will see through this pleasant façade and report to you exactly what the house offers in terms of structure, safety and any underlying issues.
Pre purchase inspection reports must be detailed and in layman’s terms
Your building inspection needs to be thorough and the report you receive must be comprehensive and easy to read, as you can see in this sample report. Licensed inspectors should review the interior and exterior of the home, including floors, ceiling cavities, and surrounding gardens. Their job is to keep a close look out for everything from poor roof construction to leaking showers. API goes above and beyond the basic inspection requirements. You will be advised of any concerns identified and their severity, along with how to go about repairing the faults to help you plan a timeframe for any work that needs to be done.
Where safe access is granted, the API team will crawl through spaces you wouldn’t dare go, with thermal image scanning equipment. They can undertake moisture detection analysis and use a digital camera to capture the evidence. Now that’s quality service!
A building report is essential before you sign on the dotted line. Only the experts from Action Property Inspections will know if the rendered wall on the front fence is covering a huge crack, whether the driveway and garage are structurally sound, or whether there is water damage cleverly hidden under the kitchen benchtop.
Don’t risk your investment! A pre purchase property inspection is a must. Book your pre purchase inspection now.