cheap building and pest inspection Brisbane

What’s Wrong With Using a Cheap Building & Pest Inspection Brisbane Co?

The saying rings true with cheap building and pest inspection in Brisbane; you get what you pay for. At Action Property Inspections, we may not be the cheapest building inspection company in Brisbane, but we are certainly the most thorough.

Why cheap building and pest inspection in Brisbane can be costly

Buying a property whether to live in or rent out is an expensive task, and so it’s understandable that you’re looking to save money, but, using a cheap building and pest inspector may not be the best way to save. Yes, you’ll likely save on the initial outlay but down the track, in a year or more, you’ll probably find the cheap building inspector was cheap for a reason, missing some key defects in their rush to complete your inspection or perhaps due to their inexperience, even their lack of interest in servicing you as they should. This could cost you a pretty penny in repairs.

Often, cheap building and pest inspection companies have one person doing both the pest and building inspection to cut down costs. The problem with this is that building and pest inspections are carried out in a completely different manner and have different reports. Having one person do this job means a huge risk that they will miss something that will end up costing you money.

Lastly, avoid using cheap building inspectors referred by a real estate agency. It’s an easy sale for them, being referred by real estate, and so they can afford to have lower prices. They’re also not likely working in your interest, but in the real estate’s interest, to have a sale pushed through.

Why it pays to invest in Action Property Inspection’s services

At Action Property Inspections, we pride ourselves on being extremely thorough in our inspection and reporting; we are in it for our clients, to help save you the headaches and money down the track.

We recently had Andrew perform a building inspection on a prospective purchase. Thanks to him being so thorough, we exited the contract and saved ourselves a lot of headaches and money later down the track! He has just done our next option, and we couldn’t be happier with the detail, knowledge and support and customer service offered.  – chantelleh115 Jul 2017

We are not just jack of all trades at Action Property Inspections, nor are we inspectors who have just decided on a career change. We are qualified and highly experienced building inspectors who have seen almost every possible defect there can be in a Brisbane property. We have over twenty five years of experience in the inspection industry, are qualified builders, qualified building inspectors and a member of Queensland Master Builders Association & Institute of Building Consultants. We keep abreast of building codes and legislation to make sure every aspect is covered.

Potential problems Action Property Inspections will check for

It’s more than what meets the eye when performing an inspection; it’s having the experience and knowledge to understand what you’re looking at; cheap inspectors may not have this knowledge or experience and could miss significant defects. Also, they may not take the care that we do at Action Inspections and miss areas altogether.

At Action Property Inspections, we carry out the following inspections:

Allotment inspection

An inspector should consider the entire lot, not just the house or apartment. Things like pathways, driveways, the property fence, shed and trees are exposed to the weather and can show signs of wear. Failure to inspect the structural integrity of these could lead to everything from extensive cracks and termites, to tree limbs damaging the house in a storm.

Garage inspection

The concrete slab in the garage should be thoroughly inspected. If an inspection fails to check the garage, moisture issues could cause further cracking and deterioration. The garage door and frame are also checked for structural integrity.

Exterior inspection

The home exterior is an essential part of an inspection because there are so many potential hazards. Avoiding external areas like decks, pergolas and verandahs can put your safety at risk, even if a small area of deterioration is not detected. The condition of downpipes is also checked because if they are not functioning, the risk of water inundation during heavy rains is increased.

Interior inspection

Anything from loose handrails, shaky fans, uneven floorboards and windows that don’t shut are covered in an interior inspection. These are signs of underlying issues or disasters waiting to happen. We’ve seen so many defects before; we know what to check and test – even things as simple as turning a fan on or giving something a bit of a shake can reveal problems.

Kitchen and bathroom inspection

Often, wherever there is water, problems aren’t always obvious to a layperson. A qualified and experienced building inspector, however, will be able to identify potential problems. When a cheap and inexperienced inspector doesn’t identify these problems, there is a risk of corrosion, decay and moisture penetration. We meticulously inspect leaks, rust, and cracks during an inspection. Defects like these can often have a lot to hide.

Roof inspection

We assess the gutters and roof cladding. We also inspect ceiling linings and the roof for signs of decay and water damage.  The roof is also checked for cracks in tiles and holes in the ceiling. Insulation is also inspected, and we can inform you if the insulation is made of safe materials or not. Will a cheap building inspector do a thorough inspection of the roof if it’s safe? Don’t risk inundation through the ceiling due to a damaged roof.

Termite and pest inspection

Living in Brisbane’s climate means that no property is free from the termite and it pays to be proactive. Action Property Inspections can recommend a pest inspection company to cover everything from termite barriers and ant caps, external hazards such as gardens and rotting timber, water leaks, walls and more. What’s more, unlike some cheap inspection companies, two separate inspectors; one carrying out the pest inspection and the other carrying out the building inspection is always recommended to ensure nothing is missed.

Underfloor inspection

We conduct a thorough underfloor inspection of supports, tie downs, foundations and retaining walls, concrete slabs, bearers and joists, flooring, termite barriers and decay. Omitting any of these areas during an inspection can be serious and expensive; rot, structural cracking, drainage issues, house movement and sinking could not only cost you thousands, but they could also put your or your tenant’s safety at risk.

We urge you to think twice before engaging a cheap building and pest inspection in Brisbane. Investing in a reputable building inspector like Action Property Inspections may not save you the initial outlay, but it most certainly will save you money in the long run. Think of it as an investment in your future.

GIVE US A CALL about your building and pest inspection TODAY!


About Andrew Mackintosh

Andrew Mackintosh has been answering home inspection questions in the greater Brisbane area since 1995. He has personally carried out over 20,000 building inspections and is a licensed builder and licensed building inspector, Member of Queensland Master Builders Association & Institute of Building Consultants. Being the business owner and the inspector, Andrew is passionate about providing clients with excellent customer service, value for money, honest, unbiased, thorough inspection and reporting in a professional and timely manner to allow clients to make informed decisions when purchasing property.

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